Please listen to slam poetry night performance, and poem written by Miss Wilsee Kollie who came first place in this poetic competition. May you always be the head in all you do. I cover you with the blood of Jesus. May your talent speak for you in due season. In Jesus Name Amen. Wilsee Kollie…

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THIS LIFE July – September 2022 Many often think of physical life as the means to do all things within their power for material benefits, to gain more money for which they work day and night in order to buy and own things that will make them happy. As they gather all that they can,…

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The third quarter of our ministry year has come and gone more like in a flash. But it did leave its footprints behind. In those prints, we read a set of striking contrasts, ups and downs, good and bad, crying and laughing, and joy and sorrow. As we are tempted to lean more on the…

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Ghana native, Father Francis Odoom, is currently serving parishes in eastern Iowa while completing advanced studies. He saw the need for a clean, sanitary water source in communities across Ghana and founded Project of Hope – Wells for Ghana to raise funds for well construction. Community members and churches in eastern Iowa have generously supported…

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LIBERIA MINISTRY QUARTERLY UPDATEOCTOBER –DECEMBER 2020 OVERVIEWAs our God continues to surmount challenges posed to our Ministry, so is He enabling us toreach boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ though at a community level given the surgein the COVID 19. To the glory of God, we now have a total of 704 clubs…

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