AWANA in Liberia – 2021 First Quarter Update

The third quarter of our ministry year has come and gone more like in a flash. But it did leave its footprints behind. In those prints, we read a set of striking contrasts, ups and downs, good and bad, crying and laughing, and joy and sorrow. As we are tempted to lean more on the side of what we consider as the “bad thing,” that is the passing of my dear wife, Cece, who was my friend and sister for nearly 38 years (March 27, 1983-March 8, 2021) of marriage and co-laborer in ministry for nearly 22 years, our attention is drawn to the word of the Apostle Paul in Romans 8:28; “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”

From the above passage of Scripture, we gather that God does not only work in isolated incidents for our good, He works out “all things.” Since we may not immediately see the good thing that comes out of the bad thing that happens to us, all that we can do is to submit to His will. With this mindset, we can continue to trust God’s ability to turn our bad situation around for our long-range good even if the anticipated good thing does not come in our lifetime. Our God is FAITHFUL!

This leaves one to wonder if the death of one’s loved one could be one of the things that God is working for the good of His called one. Without any iota of doubt, God’s answer to this concern is a resounding “Yes.” This however does not mean that all that happens to us is good. As humans, it can be difficult for us to see the good things out of the bad thing that happens to us unless we see it through the eye of God. Seeing what we term as “bad” through the eye of God can help us sit up to the hard fact that God is not working to make us happy, but rather to fulfill His purpose. So, if even we are hurt in the process of God fulfilling His purpose in the thing that He allows, who are we to question how God is running His world.



Though the 3rd quarter came crashing on us as we shuttled between home and the various hospitals with Cece and our boy Tumalo for medical attention most of the time, yet we were always on the lookout for the least opportunity that presented itself in between to do ministry. We, on January 16, took 54 leaders representing five churches through the Leadership Development Programs of World Lead in Kakata, Margibi County. In this training conference, we covered the topics “CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT and BUILDING TRUST.” On 30th January, we conducted the AWANA Seed Planters’ Training at Word of Faith International on the Duport Road in Monrovia.

February18th-19th saw us in central Liberia when we conducted the AWANA/Edify Partnership Teachers’ Training Conference in Gbarnga, Bong County with 20 New Christian Schools and 41 New Teachers. Then on the 26thof February, we conducted the AWANA Seed Planters’ Training Session at Early Childhood Christian Foundation. Lastly, we conducted the first of the biannual Community-based AWANA Leadership Training Conference on the ELWA Compound on the 27thof February with 52 Leaders participating.


For the success of the above events;

For the redemption of Cece’s physical body from pain and for her soul to rest with her Maker in heaven;

For the travel safety He accorded all those who shuttled between their homes and ours to physically meet with and to share in our grief; and

For all those who stood with and by us in prayers, financial gifts, physical labor and in spirit during the home going of my wife, Cece.


For wisdom for me as I assume this “new normal” to be able to navigate my way through it to do ministry with more diligence;

For all those who identified with us in prayers, kinds, and physical labor for God’s richest blessings upon them;

For the health of our son, Tumalo to improve as the burden of his care is being shared by his uncle with us;

For solutions to the health challenges (rheumatoid arthritis, sitting difficulty because of painful tailbone) posed to me; and

For the means to support a second missionary in Liberia to share in the growing ministry.

Thank you for praying.

Jerome &Cece Siakor

AWANA Liberia

P.O. Box 4327

Sinkor, Monrovia Liberia, West Africa

Cell: +231-777755246

Email: [email protected]

Posted in

Harrison Kpartipa

