Quarterly Update: Awana in Liberia


As our God continues to surmount challenges posed to our Ministry, so is He enabling us to
reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ though at a community level given the surge
in the COVID 19. To the glory of God, we now have a total of 704 clubs in Liberia. In
answer to our prayer for God to make AWANA a household name in Liberia, He has
chosen to put AWANA Liberia in partnership with Edify Liberia, a ministry involved with
spiritual transformation through Discipleship Clubs in Christian schools in Liberia. This
partnership is helping to buttress our effort in expanding our ministry horizon beyond the
local churches to Christian schools in Liberia. What an answer to prayer!

During the just ended Quarter, we held a Community-based training for 3 new churches
represented by 8 leaders at the ELWA Junction on October 10 in Monrovia.

As our partner (Edify) began to crawl back to full operation, we, on November 27
conducted a Refresher Training for 12 leaders of two of their Discipleship Clubs from two
partnership schools at O’nance International Christian School in Monrovia.

We began our two-days of Partnership Teachers’ Training Conference on December 17 and
ended up on the next day with 43 teachers in attendance from 13 new schools and 9 old ones.

We are so very grateful to God for your partnership in praying and providing financial support
for AWANA Liberia. Your partnership is likened to a “Golden Window Opportunity” afforded
us to reach many more boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him in
their various local churches and Christian schools in Liberia and beyond. What a privilege to
serve alongside partner like you in the good things our good Lord is doing in and through
clubbers attending the AWANA Clubs in their respective schools and local churches!

We are currently engaging denominational heads and pastors of the local churches in and around
Monrovia to take advantage of the opportunity AWANA is offering in training their children’s
workers to evangelize and disciple children and youth for Christ.
As a result of the above engagement, arrangements are far advanced to continue a chain of
upcoming Community-based AWANA Leadership Training Sessions with local churches and
Partnership schools in and out of Monrovia shortly.As we do the above, our eyes are on the
remaining six counties of Liberia where the Ministry of AWANA is yet to be launched. We are
so encouraged by your prayer and investment in eternity. We wish you could continue to stand
with us in reaching and training leaders to reach children and youth in the rest of the six counties
of Liberia with the Gospel of Christ and disciple them.

For support for additional AWANA Missionary for Liberia to cope with the growing ministry, it
would take $500 USD per month to support and house an additional missionary in Liberia;
For the success of the upcoming Community-based Leadership and Partnership Teachers’
Training Sessions;
For the replacement of our nearly five-year old refurbished laptop computer which has
completely failed to work;
For CeCe’s health which is good but not better since she was diagnosed with diabetes that has
left her with blurry sight in addition to the high blood pressure from which she already suffers.
She is now very much unstable in health; and
For me as I struggle with rheumatoid arthritis that is now posing a serious sitting difficulty for
me, and our first boy, Tumalo, the epileptic who continues to experience seizures that is taking a
toll on his intellect.

Jerome & CeCe
AWANA Liberia

P. O. Box 4327
Sinkor, Monrovia
Liberia, West Africa
Email: [email protected]
Cell: (231)777=755-246/886-535-373
Peter Sayklon Orphanage Home AWANA

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Harrison Kpartipa

