Eastern Iowa Liberian Association, Inc. partners with Project of Hope – Wells for Ghana

Ghana native, Father Francis Odoom, is currently serving parishes in eastern Iowa while completing advanced studies. He saw the need for a clean, sanitary water source in communities across Ghana and founded Project of Hope – Wells for Ghana to raise funds for well construction. Community members and churches in eastern Iowa have generously supported this effort over the past few years. Project of Hope (POH) has gratefully accepted the generous assistance of EILA to process and distribute funds donated by POH supporters. POH has a team in Ghana that oversees well construction and maintenance. In 2020, donations were received to construct six wells! Thank you, EILA, for your benevolent support of this humanitarian project for your neighbors in Ghana!!

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Harrison Kpartipa


  1. Peter Paye on March 21, 2021 at 1:37 am

    Thanks EILA for supporting Project of Hope in improving the lives of people in that part of the world.
    Keep on the good work EILA, and many thanks to the donors.

