Challenges in Liberia for Children

  • 33% of girls 15 and older are literate
  • 47% of school-age children are not in school
  • 67 out of 1000 children die before their 5th birthday
  • 21% of children are engaged in child labor
  • 54% of people live in poverty

Living in poverty without access to quality healthcare or education, children in Liberia need your help.
Liberia is one of the poorest nations in the world, where only a small minority of families can afford clean drinking water and sanitation. Fourteen years after a civil crisis, Liberia is still in ruins.
Child mortality rates are on the rise. Every hour, two or more children die. In 2014, Liberia experienced one of deadliest diseases in human history with the outbreak of the Ebola virus. This caused the situation in Liberia to further worsen.

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Harrison Kpartipa

